There is no doubt you are being swamped with graduation party invites! Here are some things NOT to say to the lucky grad.
DON'T SAY: "What can you do with that degree?"
WHY: It's insulting and it invalidates his/her hard work.
INSTEAD SAY: "Tell me about the class that inspired you to dive into that major?"
DON'T SAY: "You should go to law school."
WHY: Not everyone wants to be a lawyer.
INSTEAD SAY: "Are you thinking of grad school?"
DON'T SAY: "Do you have a job lined up?"
WHY: It is embrassing if the grad says "No".
INSTEAD SAY: "So what are your plans for the summer?"
DON'T SAY: "The economy has been bad before, you'll get through it."
WHY: That is not encouraging at all. It is a total downer.
INSTEAD SAY: "Maybe I can help you network!"
DON'T SAY: "Your cousin/sister/best friend/neighbor just got out of school and is doing well.
WHY: You are rubbing the grad's nose in the fact he/she does not have anything lined up.
INSTEAD SAY: "Your cousin/sister/best friend/neighbor landed a job at (insert place of employment here), would you like them to check to see if there are any openings?