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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Crystal Light Delight 5.0

Here are a few other ideas for re-purposing your Crystal Light (or similar brand drink mix) containers!

1.) Candle light- Since they are translucent and/or opaque, you can slip a LED tea light in the bottom for an instant glow!

2.) Makeup Brush Holder- Fill the bottom of your container with marbles, aquarium gravel, dried beans, etc. to weigh it down. If you'd like you can cut and glue some fun, scrap paper around the exterior to add some pizazz.

3.) Vase- Leave plain or decorate with paper, spray paint, ribbon, etc. Fill with water and add your favorite blooms! Again, just in case your flowers are heavy drop a rock in the bottom to add some weight.

3.) Camera Flash Diffuser- Cut the bottom off bottom a cylindrical container and slide it over the flash component of your camera.

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