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Monday, November 1, 2010

These Boots Are Made For Walkin'...

BORING BOOTS? Jazz them up with these fun and unique ideas! Go to a craft store and purchase chains, charms, and other embellishments that catch your eye. Next, do a dry run with a temporary adhesive such as tape to get the placement down. Once you have settled on a design that you like, go about attaching the embellishments. The style, design, and quality of the shoes/boots you are using will dictate how you would want to do this. These are some things we learned as we experimented in our design studio in Colchester:

- If the boot is inexpensive and you do not care what happens to it you can secure chains by catching a link of the chain in the tines of a paper fastener. You can then push the fastener through the fabric and open the tines. Voila! A secure chain. These fasteners come in a wide variety of styles and colors.
- If the boots are of better quality you might consider having a cobbler make small "belt" loops to hold up the chain so it doesn't slide over the heel.
- So far the adhesive that is working the best for us is washable fabric glue. Boots get wet but this glue should not be effected by moisture.
-Make sure that your embellishments can withstand the elements since they will be decorating shoes!

We made an unfortunate discovery about the adhesive we suggested to ahere the embellishments to the boots. In cold weather it peeled right off! You have two options to correct this problem. You can investigate special glues that are cold weather safe. We found a Gorilla Glue brand adhesive which is certified to 40 below! The next suggestion would be to design the embellisments like ankle bracelets which can be secured around the boot with lobster claws and loops. Tada boot bling!

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