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Thursday, January 10, 2013

GREAT IDEA CORNER 2013 2.0 Appendix B

As we shared last week we were all cleaning out our desks getting ready for the work of the new year when we came upon ideas and tips we forgot to share with you during 2012!  This week we will work our way through the rest of the little scraps of paper we found.

1.) Timmy offered that when he goes out and wants to "jazz" up his shoes he decorates them with some of his mom's vintage clip on earrings!  Fetching!!!

2.) Connie had tip for icing champagne in 10 minutes.  First, find a suitable container that will hold the bottle and have enough room for ice.  Put the bottle in the the container then layer ice and a few tablespoons of salt until it reaches the neck of the bottle.  Fill the container with water and in 10 minutes you should have perfectly chilled bubbly.

3.) Wendell had a great tip for those of you who have ever had a cork crumble into a your bottle of wine.  If it does happen, use a funnel with a coffee filter to strain the brew!  Connie even suggested using a clean pair of pantyhose to accomplish the same task.

4.) Michael offered a great quick tip for bringing back to luster to your leather shoes when you don't have time to polish them.  Grab that banana peel from our lunch,  and buff it over your shoes.  Tada!  Kathleen added that she has used vegetable oil on her snazzy patent leather clogs when in a pinch.

5.)  The janitor, Gilbert, added that he has used all the empty wine and champagne bottles he has collected from the office (We do not have a drinking problem!) to support his wife's tall winter boots!  What an idea!  Way to go, Gilbert!  

Gilbert, Our Janitor and Bottle Baron

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