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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hot 2009 Wedding Trends You Need To Know!

- This season you will see monochromatic schemes dominating the wedding landscape! Try grouping various shades of your favorite color to create a modern yet classic look. Need inspiration? Pick up paint sample cards from your local paint or hardware store!

-In tough times, history proves that warm colors are always popular for weddings. This summer expect to see a comeback of pinks, yellows, and even peach! You will see fewer couples choosing cool lavender, icy blue, or classic black and white.

-Hybrid car in the driveway? Compost pile in the backyard? Go green at your wedding in 2009! Eco-friendly textures and materials will hot this season. Incorporate stones, branches, and mosses for a natural look. Try going recycle-chic by re-purposing everyday items into trendy wedding decor!

This Just In From Our Laboratory In Colchester, Vermont!

Buying "floating" candles can be down right expensive and in this economy who can afford that luxury? Create that intimate look floating candles provide for much less using...tea lights! These tiny lights are normally used in luminaries and under chaffing dishes, but they normally aren't the light of the party. Our research team has discovered that by removing them from their ugly tin cups and double-coating the metal disk on the underside with melted wax transforms them into festive "floaters". In tests, ours burned for upwards of 3.5 hours and cost mear pennies. Tea lights come in a variety of attractive colors, often are sold in bags of 100, and we even floated ours in tinted water.

Remove Those Stubborn Labels Easily!

Have you ever brought home a vase or picture frame with a stubborn label that just won't come off the glass? Well, we have some tips for you!

- To remove a label from a glass or ceramic vase or vessel, simply boil some water on the stove, place the container on a safe, level surface and fill past the level of the label. The heat from will warm the surface, reheat the glue, and viola, the label peels away effortlessly. Warning: Be careful not to burn your fingers!

- To remove a label from a non-absorbent surface such as the glass of a picture frame, remove as much of the label as you can and then smear a dollop of peanut butter (not for those with nut allergies) on the the sticky area and let it sit for about twenty minutes. The oil in the peanut butter will help to release the adhesive and make it easy to wipe away!

- To remove a label from an absorbent surface such as a book cover, plug in your hair dryer and heat the label for about ten to fifteen seconds. The heat will help to rewarm the glue making it easier to remove. Try peeling the label off. It may need more time depending on the size of the label.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Keep The Party Going All Night Long!

Break the dawn with peppermint at your next soiree! A Brown University study shows that peppermint increases alertness. Take advantage of peppermint scented candles and popular reed difusers. Place the around the room for refeshing aroma. Serve peppermint schnapps at midnight and hot coco with peppermint sticks the next morning! Have fun!

Don't Be Late To A Very Important Date!

In your party dress and finding yourself scrapping ice off your car's windows? Plan ahead and use this simple recipe!

Spray the outside of your car windows with a mixture of three parts vinegar to one part water before a freeze. The vinegar mixture will keep ice from forming and you from fretting!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Been Invited...

...To a baby shower? Bring a gift that is not only pretty but also practical and unique. A Baby Sock Bouquet! Purchase a wide variety of colorful, adorable socks and inexpensive bamboo skewers. Roll the socks tightly around the non-pointed end of the skewer creating rosettes. Take a flower pot or your favorite vessel and fill the bottom with floral foam. Next press the pointed ends of the skewers into the foam and arrange away! Add bows and leaves to make them whimsical. Let your imagination go wild! Search the internet for specific details and ideas.

Fun and Free!!!

Tired of Pictionary? Not into board games? Try karaoke at your next gathering. Log on to -a free online karaoke website! Before they party begins set up your free account to access over 15,000 songs. Choose your song and the background music and lyrics pop up on the screen! Britney Spears will have nothing on you!

Impress for Less!

Hosting a dinner buffet but on a shoe string budget? Here is a great money saving tip from professional caters: Position less expensive items such as rolls and salads at the beginning of the serving line where guests are likely to load up their plates, and arrange more expensive delights at the end of the spread where your guests have less real estate on their plates. This way you can indulge in fancy foods without going to the poor house!